The firm IP Legal Business & Tax Barristers and Legal Advisors based in Warsaw was created in November 2014.
Our goal is to provide legal support for business operators both in significant transactions and in day-to-day commercial activities. What sets us apart is comprehensiveness of provided services. The IP Legal Business & Tax Barristers and Legal Advisors team is comprised of experienced and specialized in various fields legal advisors and barristers, a patent agent and a tax advisor. We are characterized by ability to combine analytical legal thinking with a business approach.
In our activities, we are guided by the principle of ensuring for our Clients maximum benefits related to their business activity, while eliminating or possibly minimizing legal and economic risks. We offer optimum solutions in legal and tax terms. In view of the fact some members of our team completed foreign studies (LL.M) and practiced abroad (in particular in Germany and the USA), we are acquainted with legal systems of other countries.
We respect the time and money of our Clients; we are flexible and align the manner of provision of our services with the individual needs of each Client.
We support entrepreneurs operating in various forms – commercial companies, civil partnerships, sole traders – functioning in multiple sectors of the market – including the finance industry (venture capital funds, business angels, etc.), the creative sector (designers, architects, artists, photographers), real estate, transportation, commerce, distribution and manufacturing. We support start – ups. We are involved in commercialization of new technologies and protection of industrial property. We provide advice to foreign entities operating on the Polish market. We provide services to NGOs: foundations and associations.
Our Clients also include public entities, companies wholly owned by a city/municipality, as well as institutions of culture.
An important part of IPLBT’s activity is conduct of cyclical or one-off legal training according to the needs of our Clients.
Our services are available in Polish, English and German.
We are looking forward to doing business with you.